KAIST, Department of Mechanical Engineering
[ME 489] Programming for signal and image processing <신호 및 영상 처리를 위한 프로그래밍> [ME 674] Optical imaging system Design <광학이미징 시스템 설계>
Lecture introduction
- Programming for signal and image processing
It is essential for students majoring in mechanical engineering to analyze and process experimental data and images to extract useful information In this course, basic concepts of signal and image processing will be studied. Through relevant exercises and assignments, students will learn MATLAB and OpenCV programming a real-world application.
- Optical imaging system Design
The contents of this course is composed of two parts. Part 1 deals mainly with the fundamentals of optical systems such as basic theory of wave optics and geometrical optics, performance factors such as aberration, resolution, contrast etc. the working principle and characteristics of several optical components, systematic design processes, and computer aided design. Part 2 deals with the configuration, design, and signal processing of actual optical systems for 2D and 3D imaging, variations of system configuration, and enhancement of system performances such as resolution contrast and imaging speed. During the second half of this course, a term project will be carried out in through a teamwork. Every team will propose and design